Eliza Parad has been doing housing organizing in and around Boston
since 2009 after working with grassroots organizations in Chile for 3
years. From 2010-2013 she was an organizer at the Chelsea
Collaborative, working with homeowners facing foreclosure and former
owners/tenants facing eviction to prevent displacement and build power
to achieve racial and economic justice in the City. She is currently a
Community Organizer of Sustainable Economic Development at Dudley
Street Neighborhood Initiative where she is supporting residents on
their Community Land Trust, collaborating with other organizations to
create land trusts, working with local businesses to prevent
displacement and more. As a member of the Boston Workmen's Circle,
Eliza also has big dreams of bringing back aspects of the solidarity
economy that her great-grandparents were part of in Boston so that we
can all stay and thrive in the City.