CommonBound 2016 was packed with nearly 100 panels, workshops, and open spaces taking place over the course of three-days. In a conference about visionary strategies for transforming our economy and politics, there was a lot to cover!
With so many great sessions, we know it was hard to pick which one to go to. That’s why this year NEC partnered with Extraenvironmentalists to livestream panels and plenaries throughout the weekend. You can catch up on what you missed, as well as access online-only interviews, with the CommonBound 2016 Playlist.
Here’s a breakdown of the weekend’s livestreamed videos and bonus content:
Opening Plenary: Achieving Self-Determination and Sovereignty for Our Communities
Saturday’s 2-Part Plenary: Taking Our Visions To Scale: Lessons from Abroad and Snapshots of Buffalo’s New Economy Movement
One-on-one Interviews:
Interview with Chrystel Cornelius, Executive Director of the First Nations Oweesta Corporation
Interview with Jacobo Rivero, Department of Culture and Sports in the city of Madrid
Interview With Stacy Mitchell, Institute of Local Self-Reliance
The Internet of Ownership: Cooperative Platforms for the Online Economy
Decolonizing the Economy from the Ground up: Case Study Boston Ujima Project
Leveraging Procurement for Community Wealth-Building and Local Jobs
Challenging a Rigged Market: Policy Tools to Enable Local Businesses to Thrive
The History and Future of the Community Development Finance Movement